$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize Select2 with custom formatting for each dropdown instance
$(‘#countrySelectDisplay1, #countrySelectRedirect1’).select2({
placeholder: “Select…”,
allowClear: true,
templateResult: formatCountry,
templateSelection: formatCountry
$(‘#countrySelectDisplay2, #countrySelectRedirect2’).select2({
placeholder: “Select…”,
allowClear: true,
templateResult: formatCountry,
templateSelection: formatCountry
// Event listener for the redirect dropdown in Block 1
$(‘#countrySelectRedirect1’).on(‘change’, function() {
const selectedCountry = $(‘#countrySelectDisplay1’).val();
const opponentCountry = $(this).val();
if (selectedCountry && opponentCountry) {
const url = `https://example.com/${selectedCountry}-vs-${opponentCountry}-head-to-head`;
window.location.href = url;
} else if (!selectedCountry) {
alert(‘Please select your country first.’);
// Event listener for the redirect dropdown in Block 2
$(‘#countrySelectRedirect2’).on(‘change’, function() {
const selectedCountry = $(‘#countrySelectDisplay2’).val();
const opponentCountry = $(this).val();
if (selectedCountry && opponentCountry) {
const url = `https://example.com/${selectedCountry}-vs-${opponentCountry}-head-to-head`;
window.location.href = url;
} else if (!selectedCountry) {
alert(‘Please select your country first.’);
// Custom function to format dropdown items with flags
function formatCountry(country) {
if (!country.id) return country.text;
const flag = $(country.element).data(‘flag’);
const countryName = country.text;
return $(
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für deutsche Literatur, PhD-Net "Das Wissen der Literatur", Graduate Student
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